Announcement of the Bali Province Covid Task Force Recommendations for the implementation of New Student Admissions

In connection with the implementation of new student admissions at Udayana University, according to the recommendation of the Bali Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force No: 357 / SatgasCovid19 / IV / 2021, the participants who took part in the postgraduate admissions selection, verification of SNMPTN new student files, and student selection new through UTBK SBMPTN:

Required to bring the negative results of the H-2 Antigen Rapid Test before the implementation issued by the official health service agency / facility for residents living in Bali (proven by ownership of a Bali KTP).

Mandatory PCR-based Swab Test Negative Results issued by official health service agencies / facilities, for residents who come from outside Bali (have a non-Balinese KTP).

This was informed to be followed by all participants.