Continue Regeneration, Dean of FEB Unud Inaugurates LMFEB Management for 2022
In order to maximize the regeneration process in the Student Institution of the Faculty of Economics and Business (LMFEB), the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud), Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, SE, MT, Ph.D., inaugurated all LMFEB Functionaries on Monday (24/24). 01) this morning in a hybrid manner, which took place in the BH Building Hall, FEB Unud Denpasar Campus and through Cisco Webex Meetings.
On this occasion, the Dean inaugurated 10 institutions, including the Student Representative Council (DPM), Student Executive Board (BEM), Accounting Student Association (HIMA), Development Economics HIMA, Management HIMA, Diploma HIMA, Young Entrepreneur Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO). , BSO Capital Market Study Group, BSO Student Press Circle, and BSO Societe de Equilibrium.
The Dean advised all new functionaries to always work together to maintain FEB Unud on a positive path by becoming a house of aspirations for all potential FEB Unud students. The Dean also hopes that the new functionaries will always synergize with all the interests of the faculty, as well as innovate and be creative to support the vision of FEB Unud to become a faculty with international reputation, excellence, independence, and culture.
Furthermore, according to the Dean, the 2021 functionaries who have resigned are able to show their best dedication while serving the institution. The dean and staff really appreciate the many legacies that have been laid during 2021, and it is felt that they might become a new standard for the management of LMFEB 2022.
The Dean closed the activity by expressing his gratitude to all 2022 functionaries who were inaugurated, because they still persisted in serving the FEB Unud. The Dean also thanked all the Guiding Lecturers, and hoped that something positive would always approach the management of LMFEB 2022.