DPM FEB Unud Holds 2024 LMFEB Unud Workshop

Denpasar, DPM FEB Unud: The Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (DPM FEB Unud) held a Student Organization Workshop for the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (LMFEB Unud) on Friday, February 23, 2024, which took place in the Doctoral Hall, Sudirman Campus, FEB Unud. The Unud LMFEB Workshop is the first collaborative work program between legislative and executive institutions within the Unud LMFEB environment in 2024. The Unud LMFEB Workshop was carried out with the aim of improving the participants' skills and knowledge in the areas of secretariat, treasury, and protocol. This year, the Unud LMFEB Workshop carries the theme "Elevate Your Life Through Skillful Living," which contains the hope that participants will gain knowledge that can be used in their lives. This workshop activity was opened by Dr. I Made Artha Wibawa, S.E., M.M., as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information at FEB Unud and attended by all Study Program Coordinators at FEB, Administration Coordinator, Sub-Coordinator for Student Affairs, all supervisors, both lecturers and students, as well as all institutional leaders in the FEB Unud environment. In addition, participants in this work program activity are secretarial and financial representatives from institutions, communities, KKM, and work programs, as well as protocol functionaries from LMFEB Unud. The LMFEB Unud workshop was attended by 144 offline participants, 24 committee members, and 2 steering committee members.
The LMFEB Unud Workshop is a work program that was organized this year by DPM FEB Unud in order to equip students with skills in the secretarial, financial, and protocol fields. In this work program, students will be trained and given special training regarding skills in making accountability reports for activities, funds, and protocol functions in carrying out work programs at each student institution. The hope is that after implementing this work program, participants will be able to understand the rules regarding the secretariat, finances, and protocols.

The series of activities began with an opening, which was attended by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, FEB Unud, all Study Program Coordinators at FEB Unud, Head of Administration, Sub-Coordinator for Student Affairs, all supervisors, both lecturers and students., and all institutional leaders within FEB Unud, as well as all participants of the 2024 LMFEB Unud Workshop. After the opening was complete, participants were directed to the material-giving room. In the first session, participants were divided into three categories, namely the Secretary Workshop, which received material related to letter writing, letter delivery flow, and secretarial activities according to the standards applicable at FEB Unud. Finance Workshop participants will attend two sessions. In the first session, participants will receive material, namely guidelines for carrying out tasks and responsibilities for activities at each institution, and in the next session, they will convey important matters related to accountability for faculty funds and treasury planning. . , such as funding planning in program implementation. work, files that need to be prepared for accountability, as well as rules for recording work program funds in the form of a Letter of Accountability (SPJ).

Furthermore, the Protocol Workshop explained in detail the basis for implementing the protocol and the things that need to be considered in the protocol regarding the layout of the place, ceremonial procedures, and respect for someone according to their position or status so that it can be used later. during work. program activities, both internal and external. . In addition, the Protocol Workshop will explain the application of protocols in normal situations involving many people directly. Before presenting the material in the room, participants will be given a pre-test to determine the participant's initial level of knowledge according to their respective fields. Then the event closed with a report from the 2024 LMFEB Unud Workshop committee as well as remarks from Komang Gd Cahya Wiguna as Chair of the DPM FEB Unud and I Made Kelvin Indra Setiawan as Supervisor of the DPM FEB Unud Student Element. The Unud LMFEB Workshop event closed with the beating of the gong three times, which then ended with a group photo session.

The series of workshops that have been carried out bring hope to all parties regarding the output produced from these activities. "We hope that this LMFEB Unud Workshop can improve the skills and knowledge of participants in the areas of secretariat, treasury and protocol for all participants, institutions and communities as well as KKM in the FEB Unud environment," said I Putu Adi Guna Wijaya as Chair of the LMFEB Unud Workshop Committee. 2024. In accordance with the opinion of the committee chairman, the DPM FEB Unud Student Element Advisor hopes that through this activity all participants can receive and apply all the knowledge they have gained. "Through this LMFEB Unud Workshop, it is hoped that all participants will be able to gain knowledge about finance, secretariat and protocol in accordance with the guidelines for student activities (handling them)." activities and life," he said. Furthermore, all the results of this activity will be re-evaluated by DPM FEB Unud after 6 months of implementing this work program. (gna)

Author: I Putu Adi Guna Wijaya

Redaksi : Biro Pers BEM FEB Unud