Kalibrr Goes to Faculty: Preparing Students for the World of Work
Denpasar, Press Bureau of BEM FEB Unud - The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (FEB Unud) together with the Student Executive Board (BEM) FEB Unud in collaboration with Kalibrr held a seminar entitled "Kalibrr Goes to Faculty" on Friday (24/02) offline at the FEB Unud Doctoral Building Hall. The theme of this event was "From Mediocre to Magnificent: Mastering Your CV and Interview Game" which focuses on exposure and deepening for the preparation of curriculum vitae (CV) and interviews. This event is specially packed for students of class 2019 FEB Unud in preparing themselves for the world of work in order to write a good CV so that the chances of being accepted for work are greater. The seminar was attended by around 160 people consisting of FEB Unud students from batch 2019 to 2022. In addition, students from the Global Engagement Program (GEP) and Functionalists from BEM FEB Unud Institutions were also present.
The opening of the event began with remarks from the Chairperson of BEM FEB represented by I Made Wahyu Suarjaya as Vice Chairperson I of BEM FEB Unud, Kalibrr Indonesia represented by Glorius P.Y. Setra, M.I.Kom as Senior B2C Marketing Kalibrr Indonesia, and the Dean of FEB Unud represented by I Gede Nandya Oktora P., S.E., MBA, CRA, CRP, as International Team Leader of FEB Unud. Wahyu Suarjaya in his speech said that this Kalibrr collaboration activity is intended especially for Generation Z because there are many opportunities out there to develop themselves, but previously various selection stages must be passed in order to achieve these opportunities. For example, the CV selection stage is the first stage that must be passed followed by the interview stage, so students need to understand how the stages and preparation are early on. Next, Glorius Setra expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate and delivered a speech from Kalibrr's CEO who was unable to attend the event in his speech. After that, the delivery of remarks was continued by Nandya Oktora who stated that FEB Unud opens the widest possible cooperation. In addition, this collaboration with Kalibrr is an initial bridging that can open up opportunities to create sustainable programs so that they are in accordance with industry needs for students in the future. The speech also officially opened the event by beating the gong three times.
Kalibrr is a digital platform established for students and fresh graduates to help them find jobs and manage their careers through education from the content presented by Kalibrr. The Kalibrr platform also provides a variety of internship and job opportunities that are tailored to the recruits' choices. In Kalibrr Goes to Faculty, Kalibrr wanted to expand their brand awareness as well as share knowledge and insights on the CV and interview stages. Glorius Setra, as a speaker, explained how to compile an attractive CV that recruiters will notice and explained the influence of the suitability of CV preparation on the percentage of a person's acceptance in a company. Furthermore, Glorius Setra also explained tips for dealing with the interview stage in a recruitment. Departing from the problems of students in facing interviews, he began to explain the things that a recruit really needed to deal with it. In addition, he added, today's interviews are no longer one-way, but recruiters want recruits to be "curious" and actively ask questions about the company and the position they want. Closing the session, Glorius Setra explained about the recruitment system after the interview stage. "And finally, decision, recruiters need a maximum of two weeks. So, after two weeks you follow-up there is no news, then move on," he explained and closed with a question and answer session.
The collaboration between FEB Unud and Kalibrr was held for the first time in 2023. Glorius Setra when met by an interview revealed that the background of Kalibrr collaborating with FEB Unud is one of its visions which after the pandemic wants to embrace university friends outside Jabodetabek. Kalibrr wants everything to be balanced and everyone to feel the same opportunity, so that not only Jabodetabek friends can benefit from this platform. Responding to this, FEB Unud is very open to the collaboration which is also in line with the vision and programs at FEB Unud to prepare students who will enter the industrial world. "We at the faculty are very welcome to partners, especially from industry, which of course programs like this do not need to be just once. However, it needs to continue because when talking to Kalibrr, it means that the topic is career recruitment, career development, of course not only limited to CVs and facing interviews, but later we have to make another similar event as a follow-up to the current event," said Nandya Oktora. Nandya Oktora also stated the importance of knowing industry insights and what happens in the industry because what is learned in class is only limited to theory, while knowledge will be gained when working with people from the industrial world.
Knowledge about the industrial world is very important to know, especially the first steps in getting a job, namely writing a CV and interviewing must be done well. Students who are at the end of their studies, will be greatly helped in entering the industrial world with this collaboration. In addition, this knowledge is also important for all students so that they can prepare early in terms of writing the right CV so that it can make it easier to reach the desired job. Therefore, FEB Unud students were very enthusiastic about participating in this event. This was felt by Glorius Setra during the discussion session, because the participants were very enthusiastic in asking questions. "I really really appreciate Udayana's friends appreciating people. The importance of communication, hearing there is also I saw taking notes and enthusiastically asking questions. And when I threw a question, it was not silent in answering, that's me as a speaker I'm thankful for that, hopefully useful for friends, "he said. Anak Agung Bagus Ngurah Nararya Nata as the Head of BEM FEB Unud also revealed that the enthusiasm of FEB students was very high as evidenced by the level of participation of participants who attended the event collected approximately 160 people in just a matter of hours.
This collaboration certainly initiated a variety of hopes, not only for continuous cooperation between the two parties, but also for the participants to be able to provide good feedback to prepare their CVs and job interviews later. "I hope our brand awareness can be spread more, that's number one the first thing for sure. Number two is that they have a CV with what I have said earlier that is good and correct and needed by the company, and how to deal with interviews so that I go from a mediocre person to a magnificent person," said Glorius Setra. As a realization of this year's BEM FEB Unud tagline "Action Collaboration", Nararya Nata hopes that in the future the collaboration with external parties will not stop at Kalibrr. "Hopefully in the following months more activities like this will be held, maybe not only with Kalibrr. However, also with all existing platforms of course, with all startups that are industry-oriented. So, we will be open to that," he said. In addition, hopes also arise from Nandya Oktora for FEB students who must start thinking ahead by changing their mindset to be more open. "So, I hope that the mindset of FEB students will be more open, we now have a view of what the conditions of the national and multinational industries are like and we can also prepare to face the challenges that are in front of us," she said. "And hopefully the next programs can change the mindset that we no longer aspire to be hosts in our own place but we have the courage to get out of our own comfort zone, we can compete with people out there, as our Dean said, Go Big or Go Home," he added. (snt/kta/els)