Planning and Development Conference for Fiscal Year 2025, FEB Unud

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, has held a Development Planning Meeting (MUSRENBANG) for the 2025 Fiscal Year on Saturday, March 23, 2024, at the MM Building, 3rd Floor, Sudirman FEB Campus.

The FEB 2025 MUSRENBANG activity was attended by Faculty Leaders, FEB Unud Senate, Study Program Coordinators, IBSN Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, Administrative Coordinators, Sub-Coordinators, Student Organization Representatives, Alumni Representatives, Udayana University Faculty of Economics, and Business Cooperation Representatives such as Gojek, IKAFEB, and Tax Consultants. This activity was held to obtain input related to the direction and policies of FEB Unud 2025 through a focus group discussion (FGD) conducted with all elements of the academic community of FEB Unud as well as alumni and strategic cooperation partners.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Mr. Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D., in the presentation of material regarding the direction of development and policies of FEB Unud in 2025 conveyed the profile of FEB Unud in 2024 with a number of achievements achieved. The results of FEB Unud's achievements so far have reached a good level. Nearly 75% of the Strategic Plan indicator targets had been achieved by the end of 2023. FEB also managed to achieve 8 out of 11 key performance indicators, which is the highest achievement at Udayana University. Not only that, FEB Unud has also succeeded in building competitive and corruption-free governance, making it one of the faculties capable of building a corruption-free work culture within the Ministry of Research and Technology 2023.

Furthermore, the Dean also said that in 2029, FEB will become a world-class faculty that has achievements in the tridharma of higher education with the support of a strong global network, so that it has a fragrant international reputation. In this case, teaching and learning become an important entity, as the main role must be held by the academic community, both lecturers and staff.

After the presentation of the material by the dean, the event continued with a focus group discussion (FGD) by alumni, cooperation partners, the FEB Unud senate, and student representatives. In the FGD session, several important inputs were highlighted, including the need to improve the character of graduates, communication skills, and provide significant social impact in regional, national, and international development. In addition, the evaluation of the MBKM research internship program was also a focus to ensure that this program was in line with expectations.

With the results of this musrenbang, it is hoped that it will be able to formulate a FEB Unud Strategic Plan for 2025–2029 that is measurable, clear, and impactful. All the achievements that have been made are expected to be a driving force for FEB Unud to achieve higher levels of success in the future. This Musrenbang emphasizes the commitment of FEB Unud to making itself a faculty that excels and makes a real contribution to the development of society and the country.