Siwaratri Celebration at Unud Filled with Joint Prayers and Dharma Discourse
The Siwaratri celebration at Udayana University was centered at Maha Widya Amertha Temple, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Saturday (1/1/2022). Attending the Siwaratri Celebration were the Chancellor, Chair of the Senate, Vice Chancellors, Head of Institutions, Head of Bureau, Faculty Leaders, Chair of USDI, Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unud, FPMHD representatives and several FIB students.
The Siwaratri celebration, which coincides with the beginning of 2022, is filled with joint prayers and Dharma Discourses. As the speaker, namely Dr. Nanang Sutrisna, M.Ag from the Anthropology Study Program, FIB Unud with Dharma Wacana material related to the philosophy of Siwaratri celebration for Hindus.
Unud Chancellor Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara together with the leaders who were present on this occasion also had the opportunity to visit the Green Open Space (RTH) around the Maha Widya Amertha Temple. With this green open space, the front yard of the temple area looks organized, looks wider and beautiful. The Chancellor also discussed with other leaders to obtain input regarding this green open space.
The Shivaratri celebration ends with a prayer together towards midnight.