Socialization of Competency Development of Udayana University Human Resources "Smart HR"
Monday (07/06/2021) a Socialization of Human Resource Competence Development of Udayana University was held offline and online. This event was attended directly by the Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions, Vice Deans for General Affairs and Finance, Postgraduate Vice-Presidents, Heads of UPT/Heads of USDI, and Coordinators within Udayana University. In addition, this event was also attended online by Study Program Coordinators, Sub-Coordinators within Unud, Lecturers and Education Personnel at Udayana University.
The socialization of Human Resource Competency Development at Udayana University took the tagline HR PINTAR (Professional, Integrity, Nationalist, Skilled, Adaptive, Responsive) where "SDM Pintar" is a change project innovation program from I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE, M.Si as a Training Participant. Level II National Leadership organized by the National Administration Institute (LAN). This program is designed to map competency gaps and prepare competency development plans needed by human resources at Udayana University, both Lecturers and Education Personnel.
In his remarks at the closing ceremony of this socialization, the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, SE., MS said that the implementation of this activity is a strategy to increase HR competence which is the implementation of the mandate of Article 70 of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning ASN which states that every ASN employee has the right and opportunity to develop competence. Where the way to develop these competencies can be improved through 2 (two) ways, namely education and training. The strategy to accelerate the improvement of education is through a study permit program for Lecturers and Education Personnel which is carried out in universities with at least the same accreditation as Unud. The training program strategy is carried out with classical and non-classical training to meet the standard of 20 lesson hours (JP) in 1 year. Given the limited number of participants who can participate in the training, one of the important strategies of this change project is that the trainees are required to disseminate the results of the training within the scope of their work units. This in addition to saving costs will also occur knowledge sharing within the organization. This program is also a requirement for accreditation documents, so we hope that the competency development that has been carried out can be recorded on SIMDOS and SIANITA so that later when the data is needed, it can only be taken from IMISSU. This PKN II change project consists of data on development plans, competency gaps, competency reporting systems, SOPs, guidelines, and Rector's Regulations.
For filling out the smart HR development questionnaire, according to the announcement signed by the Chancellor, it can be filled in starting today, Monday, June 7, 2021, until Friday, June 11, 2021.