Udayana University Organizes College Students Creativity Program (PKM) Socialization and Workshop for Bidikmisi College Students
The Udayana University Student Bureau held a Socialization and Workshop on Student Creativity Program (PKM) for Bidikmisi Students at Udayana University. The workshop was held online by Webex from the USCC room, Agrokomplek Building, Lt. IV Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Thursday, (7/23/2020). Worshop was attended by the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, the Vice Deans for Student Affairs, the Chair of the USCC and the Secretary and three PKM Resource persons namely Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Sc with the material "PKM Development at Udayana University", Prof. I Dewa Gede Ary Subagya, S.T., M.T., Ph.D with the material "PKM Strategy 5 Fields", and Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Sucipta, M.S. with the material "PKM KT & GFK" with the moderator Dr. Ni Luh Ramaswati Purnawan, S.S., M.Comn.
In a report by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University I Dewa Gede Oka, SE said, the socialization was carried out in 2 periods, namely the first period on 23-24 July 2020 for Bidik Misi students in 2018 and the second period on 27-28 July 2020 for Bidik Misi students in force 2019. The number of Bidik Misi 2 students in the class is more than one thousand. For 2020 the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau will try to empower Bidik Misi students who have a fairly good academic capacity and have received funding from the government. This is in line with the expectations of the Bidik Misi student leaders having considerable potential to be developed in participating in the implementation of PKM in 2020.
The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at Udayana University Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, MS. in his remarks conveyed, Student Creativity Program (PKM) for Students is a prestigious event in Indonesia which is a Government Program through the Ministry of Education and Culture that is still maintained, bearing in mind the achievements of Indonesian students need to be improved, especially for students at Udayana University.
PKM consists of several types including PKM 5 Fields namely: PKM Research, PKM Entrepreneurship, Community Service PKM, PKM Technology and PKM Copyright and there are also PKM Written, PKM Scientific Articles and Written Ideas. This is a PKM that must be followed by Bidik Misi students who can later improve their achievements in the field of student affairs. The role of students in improving PKM is very important, considering that the first quarter of chess only reached 45 people. Prof. Sudarma also emphasized that the PKM award in the future at the independent and independent campus of learning had been upgraded to an academic SKS which was an elective course that could be taken in the final semester and was recognized academically. In this PKM program the Supervising Lecturer is expected to be able to assist his students well, as well as hone their students in achieving the level expected, especially to PIMNAS.