Unud Chancellor Hands Over AUN QA Certificates to Four Study Programs
The Chancellor of Udayana University gave his appreciation to four Study Programs that have won international accreditation of Asean University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). The awarding of appreciation in the form of a certificate was carried out in person at the Bangsa Room, Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran, Wednesday (16/2/2022).
Present at this event were the Vice Chancellors, Deans and Heads of Institutional Units (LP2M and LP3M). The certificate is submitted to the Coordinator or Representative of the Study Program consisting of (1) Development Economics Study Program (2) Mechanical Engineering Study Program (3) English Literature Study Program and (4) Veterinary Science Study Program.
Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc, Ph.D as Head of the Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University said that this activity was a form of appreciation for the efforts and performance of all parties involved during the accreditation development process which lasted about two years.
While Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng. IPU., Chancellor of Udayana University is grateful for the submission of this certificate, which is expected to be used as a stepping stone for the next level of international accreditation. "Thank you very much, this will be a stepping stone and will be an experience to encourage other study programs at Udayana University to obtain international certificates," he said.
In order to support the achievement of one of the Main Performance Indicators (KPI) of higher education, the Chancellor also explained the next international accreditation target, namely the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA). "Today we are also targeting 15 study programs to be included in the FIBAA accreditation program and we hope that everything will run smoothly.
FIBAA is an international accreditation devoted to faculties or study programs in the humanities field. The study programs targeted are from the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Tourism, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Meanwhile, other study programs that are considered to have the prospect of being internationally accredited come from the Faculty of Medicine for ASIIN accreditation and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for the Pharmacy Study Program and the Computer Science Study Program.
Furthermore, Prof. Antara said that it would run several other international accreditation programs such as AUN-QA, IABEE, and ABET in relevant study programs in stages. "Thus, at the end of 2023 we hope that some study programs at Udayana University will not be less than 30% or 25% accredited or internationally certified," he hoped.