Workshop on Opportunity Utilization in the Digital Era Implementation of Unud FEB Cooperation with Gojek Bali
The initial implementation of the cooperation agreement between FEB Unud and Gojek Bali has taken place with the holding of an offline workshop in the BH Building Hall 4th Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University with the theme "Utilizing Opportunities in the Digital Age in the Framework of Cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. with Gojek Bali in 2022”. The main objective of this workshop is to support the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program and provide students with an overview of the world of work in practice.
Participants who attended this workshop were limited, only 30 students from three undergraduate study programs, namely 10 participants each from management, development economics, and accounting study programs. However, the limited number of participants who attended did not reduce the euphoria of this workshop because the enthusiasm of the participants was very good. "The enthusiasm of student friends is extraordinary and the collaboration that occurs between students and us, it can be seen that the enthusiasm is indeed high," said Erlangga Maharesha as one of the speakers at this workshop.
Gojek presented three speakers, namely Erlangga Maharesha as Gojek's Regional Consumer Engagement Manager, Audriansyah Budiman as Gojek's District Sales Manager, and Dimas Destrian as Gojek's District Operation Associate. These resource persons were able to package the material into a very interesting and still provide value in the material. “This workshop is designed to uphold the values ??of sportsmanship and competition, so it is indeed faced with a case study format that is packaged into a competition so that they compete to get a reward at the end. So, competition is the essence of the design of this workshop," said Erlangga Maharesha.
Along with the smooth running of the event that has been held, there is also hope in it that encourages participants to continue to be enthusiastic about participating in this event. “For students, it is hoped that the knowledge gained in this workshop can be used for the future. The seriousness of students participating in this event will have a good impact on each individual later. To deepen the knowledge gained, of course, they must enter the company directly or do an internship at the company. It is hoped that once they graduate, it will not take a long time, they will be accepted in the job market,” said Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, S.E., M.E. as chairman of the organizing committee of this workshop.