YUDECS 2022: Pioneering Young Entrepreneurial Spirits in the Age of Society 5.0
and competition are getting stronger in this era of Society 5.0, especially in
the field of entrepreneurship. YUDECS which stands for Young Entrepreneur of
Development Economics is one of the work programs of the Development Economics
Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University
which is here to hone the skills of Development Economics students in
particular to dare to start entrepreneurship. This workshop was held
semi-online at the Doctoral Building Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Udayana University as well as through the Cisco Webex Meetings application and
live streaming YouTube with the theme “Pioneering the soul of the young
generation who are BUSINESS (Dare to be Entrepreneurial) in facing the Era of
Society 5.0. ”
YUDECS workshop was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and
Business, Udayana University who on this occasion was represented by the Deputy
Dean III who symbolically struck the gong three times. Participants who took
part in the YUDECS Workshop came from active students and students of the
Development Economics study program class of 2020 and 2021 as many as 34 teams
with 102 participants and each team consisted of 3 people.
practice, this workshop is divided into two Sharing Sessions, which will
present two speakers in each session. The speakers for the first session were
Apt. Ida Bagus Nyoman Maharjana, S.Farm, M.Farm. which reviews the
characteristics of an entrepreneur as well as steps and tips in starting a
business. In closing, he left a message to the younger generation, especially
FEB Unud students with a quote that reads "Great Business is How to Play
Value and Innovation." The second speaker was no less extraordinary,
namely Made Dwi Setyadhi Mustika, S.E., M.Sc. with the material "Business
Proposal Preparation Techniques". As for the tips and tricks that he
conveyed to make the business proposal better and he shortened it with ATM
(Observe Tiru Modification). "Stop dreaming and make your dreams come
true," said Dwi Setyadhi in closing the first session. Putu Wanda Agnestia
and Komang Riska Febyanti Mastama who are both outstanding students of FEB Unud
and were specially presented to fill the second Sharing Session. Not only
giving material, in each session there is also a discussion session for
participants who are still confused about the material presented.
series of YUDECS 2022 events does not end here, but there is still a
continuation, namely participants making BMC (Business Model Canvas) and
compiling business proposals. The high enthusiasm of the participants and the
good running of the event certainly cannot be separated from several obstacles
that arose during the event. However, this workshop did not have significant
obstacles that hindered the course of the event. "The YUDECS 2022 event
can be said to have gone smoothly, although there were technical problems but
they could be overcome," said Gita when interviewed after the event.
holding this event, it is hoped that it can be useful in improving student and
student achievement, especially the Development Economics Study Program and
hopefully it can be expanded further within the scope of faculties and
universities. "Hopefully it can be useful and later the business proposals
that are being worked on can penetrate to universities or other competitions
because this is only a workshop," said I Made Oka Wirajaya as chairman of
the 2022 Development Economics Student Association. "Hopefully this YUDECS
event can develop better It's not only in the scope of the Development
Economics study program, but maybe it can be expanded further to the scope of
the Faculty and the University," said Gita in ending the interview.